RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) - Being able to hear well is something a lot of people take for granted. But not everyone is that fortunate, including the millions of people affected by tinnitus. Monument Health audiologist Merrill Hill clears up some common misconceptions about the disorder in this week’s edition of HealthWatch.
“Chances are you, or someone you know has experienced a ringing, buzzing, hissing or other sounds in your ear without an actual noise present. That sensation is called tinnitus. It can be quite common, and affects over 50 million people within the U.S. There are a lot of myths about tinnitus and what people experience. The first being, tinnitus isn’t a big deal. While that may be true for some, it can create sleep disturbances, difficulty with concentration, and a poor sense of well being for others. It should not be readily dismissed just because some people aren’t bothered by it. Another myth - this only happens to older people. Tinnitus can be experienced by people of any age. It is not a sign of getting older or poor health. It also isn’t necessarily linked to certain health conditions. Another misconception is that Tinnitus can be a result of loud noise exposure, but there are many other reasons why tinnitus is experienced. This condition can be associated with high blood pressure, diabetes, hormonal changes, and infections. Even whiplash and concussions. The final myth - there is no cure for tinnitus. While there is no one size fits all solution to a very complex problem we have many evidenced based interventions and tools known to significantly help a person who struggles with tinnitus. Treatment options vary depending on the severity and cause of tinnitus. Please seek the help of a tinnitus trained health care professional if you are experiencing a negative impact from your tinnitus. There are many resources available to provide support while finding the right solution. For your KEVN Health Watch, I’m audiologist Merrill Hill.”
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